Benefits of Orgasms

The benefits of orgasms are crazy. Not only can they help you sleep better, orgasms can also boost your immunity, promote bone health, and clear your skin—and that’s just a few of their benefits.

The brain manufactures and releases substances called neurotransmitters and neuropeptides during sexual stimulation and orgasm. These substances are wonderful for your overall physical and emotional wellbeing. They can reduce stress, improve sleep, enhance immunity, and boost mood.

Better mood, better sleep, and a better immune system? If there was ever a time we needed to reap the benefits of orgasms, it’s now. Here’s exactly what you stand to gain from prioritizing your pleasure.

1. Orgasms keep breakouts at bay

Since orgasms release oxytocin (a hormone that accompanies pleasure) and decrease cortisol (which signals stress), you’re less likely to break out or get rashes if you’re enjoying regular orgasms over time.

There are also some immediate skin benefits to the big O. Orgasms give you a radiant flush by increasing blood and oxygen flow to your face.

2. Orgasms help you sleep better

Having a good time in the sheets helps you fall asleep when you get between them. Better sleep is, in fact, one of the biggest health benefits of sex. Here’s why: the post-sex rush of the hormone prolactin helps you doze off quicker, and the oxytocin and vasopressin that orgasms release make you sleep more soundly.

Orgasms help you sleep better Ultimate Fitness Magazine
Orgasms help you sleep better

3. Your brain gets a workout during orgasm

Orgasm increase blood flow to brain regions that the brain lighted up like a Christmas tree. Increased blood flow means that the brain is getting a wonderful and nutritious workout.

4. Orgasms lead to healthier hair

The same improvement in circulation you get from orgasming which helps your complexion also goes to your scalp—intimacy will leave you with stronger, shinier, and longer-looking locks.

Since orgasms release oxytocin (a hormone that accompanies pleasure) and decrease cortisol (which signals stress)

5. Orgasms boost Estrogen and collagen, and give you a more youthful appearance.

Since orgasms help keep your blood pressure low, they slow down the aging process. They also boost your estrogen levels, increasing collagen, which is what helps keep your skin looking plump and youthful. Plus, the improvement in your sleep diminishes the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

6. Orgasms boost your immunity

Orgasms release the chemical DHEA, which helps balance your immune system, promotes bone health, and assists in repairing tissues.

7. Orgasms make you feel happier

The oxytocin released during orgasm literally makes people happier. It’s called the “feel good” hormone for a reason.

8. Orgasms can help promote our ability to bond with our partners

Having a regular and rewarding sex life is one of the most wonderful ways to lubricate our relationships—and having good relationships is associated with improved well-being across the board.

9. Orgasms relieve pain (including cramps)

Sexual stimulation and orgasm release your bodies’ own natural painkillers. In addition to making you feel happy, oxytocin also can help to relieve everything from headaches to arthritis. They also relieve menstrual cramps.

10. Orgasms can strengthen your pelvic floor

The same muscles that engage during Kegel exercises are engaged during orgasm. A study published in the Journal of Women’s Health, Issues and Care argued that with routine orgasms, the pelvic floor will be stronger and healthier.

11. Orgasms can help lower the risk of prostate cancer in older men

Regular and frequent ejaculation can help ward off prostate cancer, per a decade-long study published in the British Journal of Urology International, which determined that ejaculating at least four times per week can lower a man’s risk for prostate cancer by up to 30% in men over 50.

We know that having sex and orgasms is beneficial for every aspect of male health. The male reproductive system fares best with regular use and the prostate belongs to that system. The more ejaculations, the better off he’ll be.

12. Orgasms can also help boost fertility

The impact of orgasms on fertility, by supporting a healthy immune system, is truly amazing. Regular orgasms keep the immune system functioning with the right organization during the different phases of the menstrual cycle to optimize successful fertilization and implantation of the embryo. And this process is facilitated by frequent sex, at times when ovulation isn’t even happening.

Regular orgasm can help with fertility, as shown by a 2015 study from researchers at the Indiana University. They found that “sexual activity triggers physiological changes in the body that increase a woman’s chances of getting pregnant, even outside the window of ovulation,” which means that orgasms bring benefits at any point in your fertility cycle.

Female Orgasms

During arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases, causing them to become more sensitive.

As arousal increases, a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate may also increase. As orgasm approaches, the muscles may twitch or spasm. Many women experience rhythmic muscle spasms in the vagina during an orgasm.

Several researchers have proposed that sexual response follows specific stages, though their theories about these stages differ.

Still, most theories include the following stages:

• excitement, during which arousal builds

• plateau, during which arousal increases and levels off

• orgasm, which causes intense feelings of pleasure

• resolution, during which arousal diminishes

Many females are able to have another orgasm after resolution, whereas males usually require a period of rest before having another orgasm.